
The Liaraen

The darkest of darkness enveloped me, lifting me off the ground and into the impenetrable black sky. Slowly, the sounds of panic died away and I wondered if it was because the creatures had killed everyone or if the blackness blocked out noise as well as sight. I considered struggling, I even ordered my body to fight, but I was too panicked even to move. What was going to happen to me?

A whispery voice kissed my cheek: “Be brave, young mage, I have been told to spare you.”

Mage? Somewhere I found the courage to talk. “Wh-who are you?”

“I am a Darkbringer, a Liaraen, as we call ourselves. My name is Fey and I have been ordered to keep you alive.”


“You will discover that soon enough.”

Her tone made me hold my tongue. Somehow I didn’t think that this—Darkbringer?—would go out of her way to obey her order. If I became a nuisance she could always drop me and tell whomever was in charge that it was an accident. I doubted they would care.

“You do not know who you are, do you, young mage?”

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