
Leaving Well Read Notes [Post-It Challenge]

With a resigned dread, Dan trudged from the elevator down the second row of cubicles to the sixth one on the left. This was his home away from home, and he paused with melancholy before plunging inside for the day’s drudgery. Ahead of him were the tinted windows that looked out on the tinted windows of the next building. He’d never been impressed with that bit of engineering.

Plopping down into his chair and dropping his attache case he hardly opened his eyes until the glimmer of yellow on his computer screen caught his eye. Another note. She was at it again. The war of words continued. It was a friendly war though, something to occupy their minds a bit more than the data entry to which they were both doomed.

He smiled as he read her note, “All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind—Aristotle” He had to chuckle. She was a quick one. He’d have to ask her out…sometime.

He felt it even apros pos of the note he’d left on her moniter, “Drive thy business or it will drive thee-B. Franklin.”

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