Aqualina's Rescue
Oh no! her mind raced. She was going to be seen by a human! This was not good! Swim down!
She struggled to turn downward and kick at the net. She pulled with her hands at the mesh, but it squeezed her fin. She pushed the net down her tail and tried to unwind it and loosen it all at the same time. She was worried her thrashing would alert the fishermen to pull up the net. They did.
She could feel it begin to pull her upward. NO! She kicked as hard as she could, paddling with her arms to propel herself downward, but the net was still rising.
She broke the surface of the water tail first, then rolled her body horizontal to the water to try to stay under the surface. She heard land voices yelling. She closed her eyes and wished for death.
Then she heard screams of terror, death screams. She opened her eyes and saw a lithe, tall form, in forest green brandishing a shiny stick at two figures in brown.
It was Him! He was saving her! He jumped in the water, pulling the net, and her, toward him. She grabbed onto him.