
Follow The Post-Its {Post-It Challenge}

Chandra Post walked up and down the corridors of her house.
What’s going on?she wondered. All her friends had been acting strange. They were avoiding her and giving her mysterious looks. She wished she knew what they were about.The party!she remembered. I competely forgot!She hurried out the door and down the street.She stopped as something bright yellow caught her eye.She bent over and picked it up,what’s post-it note doing in the middle of the street?On it was written:Chandra,follow the post-its.Huh?She looked around and another one caught her eye, it was pink.She picked it up.24 Marklem,That’s where the party is.she thought.Who is doing this?She arrived at 24Marklem,5 post-its later.The house was dark.Where was everyone?Chandra rang the doorbell,the lights came on and the door swung open.She walked inside,to the kitchen.She nearly stopped breathing.Funny, what one little post-it can do. There stood Jared,with a bright green post-it stuck to his chest. On it was written, Hello Beautiful.
She hugged him.

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