Opposing Views | Same Scene
Face down in the mud. Not just any mud though, I swear this could have supported a new life form in its dingy grey/green womb of horrible-ness. As I wiped the muck from my eyes I could see their piercing laughter, as I wiped it from my ears I could hear it too, and there – there he stood with his hands on his hips wearing a furious glare – I ran at him
I dodged the loser’s leap at me – he was asking for it the little worm. Reckons he can talk shit about my sister? Well, I didn’t actually hear him say anything, but Jack – the friend of my girlfriend’s cousin said he was – and that good enough for me! Another punch to my chin – I’m a bit dazzled but I can’t show it, I spin around to face him again, arms out to wrestle – I step foward
The ring of us around the two fighters screamed and yelled – one of these guys was in for a beating but I didn’t know which, not that it mattered, they were both arseholes anyway, let them fight, let them bleed. A body is pushed in my direction and I fall – Face down in the mud.