
Stage Flight (NaNoWriMo)

You don’t have to see it to know it’s there. This was the most amazing thing about the air to Duke. For most of the time, you would never notice it, except when something out there changed and pulled or pushed it against you. The wind took what was always there, made it move real quick, and reminded you of just what’s all around you: the realities and circumstances you’d taken for granted.

Of course, there was always another way to experience this. When the air remained still, but you started movin real quick yourself.

Like Duke was right now. He’d had his quiet time on the Tennessee road, patrolling, surveilling, lying in wait. Now was the time for action.

Back in the saddle again, feeling the air in his face like the strongest of gales, he glanced at his partner’s determined face as their horses maintained the gallop.

Dead men’s rides. With seven down, there were plenty left on which to chase the three that got away. Or just thought they did, which he and his partner’d try to change their minds about.

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