
never give a 40 pound cat with dandrift a bath

THE ONLY THING MORE PAINFUL THAN FALLING OFF A BRIDGE IS GIVING A FORTEY POUND CAT A BATH ….been there done that not pretty. but if u need to no what happened i guess i’ll tell u ….............

The cats name is herbert we call him herbie my sister calls him herberto but me, i just call him FAT BUBBA ….........

FOR SOOOOOOOOOO …................ many reasons mosty cause hes NOT huge hes MASSIVE !!!

Have you ever seen a 40 pound cat with dandrift worst than your grandmothers? seriously he has issues .My mom always say to me “DON’T drop him !!!!!!!!!you’ll break his legs ” he has mini legs and is so fat he can’t clean himself, and thats how it all started…..

It was me megan and olivia (my lil sis)

SO to get to the point we gave the cat a bath and the next morning i could’t get out of bed i hurt so bad

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