
The Dreaming Tree

The dreaming tree has died. They cut it down this morning. Several months of protests and petitions had led to nothing. This morning the angry wrecking ball did its deed and destroyed this beautiful old tree, as well as the dreams of several million people across the nation

The dreaming tree stood tall for over three hundred years. It was more than just a tree. It led a life of it’s own. People were married under it’s full leaves, children played around it’s large wide trunk. It saw the injustice of the times, people lynched in it’s branches. It healed hearts and held pledges of love. Adolescents came to tell their story, their problems to their healing tree. No one’s life went untouched by this being.

It represented so much. It was life and time and a place in a world of fast food, fast cars and speed. It was a place where time stopped and the wind kissed your cheeks. The dreaming tree was their, it was comfort, it was strength. It saw birth, life, love, suicide and murder. The dreaming tree was their.

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