Need A Ride?
“Wait a sec. What?” the young woman replied. “I don’t know who you are? You don’t know who I am?”
“Anyone the Zyzx feel worthy to be their queen is good enough for me,” he said, his kind eyes gazing firmly into hers.
“The who-da-wha?” she asked.
“The Zyzx,” he chuckled. “The three-foot long half-fly, half-kitten creatures.”
“Oh,” she paused, trailing behind him. She skipped, and then jogged, quickly refinding the man’s side. “Well, I’m Sarah. And I still don’t know you.”
“I’m a Doctor. From the Who family. From Who-ville,” he quipped.
“As if I haven’t read my Seuss,” she retorted.
He shrugged his shoulders, his slightly over-sized overcoat swallowing most of the motion. “Believe what you will. The question still stands: Do you need a ride?”
“Well, where are you going?” she inquired.
“If you want to come, it’s up to you, actually,” he replied. “Anywhere, anywhen.”
“Any when?”
“Anywhere, anywhen,” he reiterated, pointing to a strange blue box located just barely over the horizon. “Anywhere. Anywhen.”