Snobs Finish Last.
Lilly, was a girl with a beautiful smile, she sometimes thought she was just ok’. One day Lilly decided to spend some money and buy her a new outfit. She decided to go to a shop that had nice designer clothing, well when she entered the shop there was a shop clerk who ask her if she could help her with something. Now Lilly was plain as all the Janes in the world, but she had a good heart and a beautiful smile. “Miss how may help you?” Lilly truned and said “Oh I am just looking around ” The store clerk followed her around in what seem like unoticed like. Lilly realize that she was walking behind her so she stop and said, “Miss is there a problem?” The shopclerk said nothing and walk back to the front of the shop, Lilly came across a nice dress that she thought would look perfect on her, she removed it from the rack and went to try it on. Just then the shop clerk said “Miss we do not allow any one to try the garments on in the shop” Lilly look at her with disgust and she said ” that is not true, are you