
She Wore a Yellow Bow: A Blaze Ratchet Mystery. Part 4

“Don’t move,” I said. “I’ll be back.”

I walked over to the light switch. On, off, on. No luck. The office door was open, so I stepped into the hallway leading to the daycare classrooms. The lights were out. I walked to the janitor’s closet located near the back door, inching my way in the darkness. I caught the light coming from a street lamp just outside the window next to the door, and that helped. I also remembered I had a cigarette lighter in my shirt pocket, so I flicked it on.

Using the flame from the lighter to guide me I searched the inside of the janitor’s closet. Where’s that fuse box?

Suddenly the door to the closet closed behind me. I dropped my lighter. Using both hands I pushed as hard as I could on the door. Nothing. It was blocked from the outside. Rats! Kneeling down on the floor and searching with my hands, rubbing my fingers in a circle along the cold vinyl floor, I searched for my lighter. I found it about a foot behind me. I tried to light it. Once. Twice. Again. Nothing.

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