
Mute Witness

“Oh a butterfuly!” The family of three shouts,I nod my head, not being able to say nothing. After a couple hours of doing miming my boss comes up ” Hey we need more people to come into this bank, so keep on miming and I’ll pay you extra.” It was already the end of my shift I guess some more money would be ok. I did all these wacky things I was a box a door and window. Finally I just stood there being part of the wall. ” Richard you got the plan?” a man whispered on his walkie talkie. ” Yup, we got to get the money from that bank.” he said also in whisper, but the man was so close to me, I could hear him and I blended real well with the wall, with my gray suit and body agianst a gray wall. I had to tell my boss but if I talked that would be the end of my career, plus he was in a important meetting. But, I had to. “Ok, I’m going in.” The man slammed the gold door behind him, causing attention to himself, then he aimed his gun at some ordinary people. ” I’ll shoot them if you don’t give me the money” they gasped

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