
Undetectible{Post it Challenge}

The scruffy man leaned over his work, breath coming in quick gasps. He had a pile of post its in front of him, a little space for them cleared from his disorganized desk. He squinted intently at the post it in his hand; his other hand was using a fine brush to delicatley apply a clear fluid to the sticky part of the post it. He wiped sweat off his head as the liquid soaked into the paper, becoming undistinguishable from the sticky back. He carefully lined up the note with the rest of the pile, putting it exactly as it had come.

The next day the man met his client in a cafe outside of a bookstore. He handed him the packet of post its delicatley,trying to stop his hand from shaking.” Nitro,”he said,”Its applied to the liner. Undetectible.” The client fingered the pack quietly, looking for any trace of the liquid. The pack slipped from his fingers momentarily.”Be careful! Thats delicate stuff there!” the man said breathlessly. His hands continued to shake.
The other man just smiled.

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