I’m a little out of touch…who are the “Emos”? Just wondering.
Is this a story about being boring? If so, how are you going to make something boring worth reading? I mean if it’s boring, who wants to read it? And if it’s not boring, then what is your story about? (I think I’m getting a headache.)
Emo:A trend that is identified with a very emotional person usually expressed by extreme sadness. These emotions are most often for attention more than actual mental disturbance. Also a type of music often mistakenly associated with punk; however in spirit and musical style the two are completely separate. -Merriam Webster Open Dictionary
hahha. i can’t believe they didn’t know what an emo was! i thought everybody knew! but emos are sumtimes the coolest ppl u’ll ever meet. rest assured, i’m not one, but i know a few ppl who are emo and they’re pretty awesome just in need of a real friend=]
Lone Writer
Lone Writer
Fyora Cartagan
One Time, One Chance
Lone Writer
Flute Loop<33