
A few rhymes, some heartbreak, AND a protest!What more could you ask for??

Can’t seem to find my way away from the pain you wish on me.
Can’t help but not feel the sadness in the rain.
And I can’t seem to run fast enough to get away from you, despite what I do, ‘cause every time I look back to see how far I’ve come, I only see me in the same place I’ll always be.
I guess I’m drawn to addiction.
Sleep only came in pills on the bad days ,even though I knew it was so bad, it was sad, but I felt it was the only time I ever got away from you, cause you’re every where I see even in my dreams. But those stupid things didn’t work, all they did was hurt me ,and I think it’s funny cause now when I see them in the palm of my hand, this is where you drove me to again,I realize I can walk to the sink and pour them all down the drain, now I can really think again.
Say no to addictions.

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