
The Book (cont.)

Next thing I knew there was a huge animal lunging for me with razor sharp claws cutting the pack right off my back. Where have I seen that creature before? I thought to myself. But this definitely wasn’t the time to think about that, so I grabbed what remained of my pack & ran. I ran for what seemed like miles ‘till I came across a small cabin by a pleasant little creek. Panting because I was still out of breath I knocked on the door & a friendly woman answered. She was a sweet old lady, I was set up by a warm fire with hot chocolate. I pulled the tattered book out of my pack & opened to where I left off. I knew I saw that creature before & there it was black with a wolf head but with the claws & agility of a cougar, a Snidler. I read about this creature for about an hour or two & before I knew it, it was dark. Luckily the stranger (who’s name I now know is Rosailia) is going to let me stay for the night. Ms. Rosailia showed me to my room where I slept till I was awakened by a thump outside the window.

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