Next Week
The world has ended, yet I’m still here.
It seemed a normal Thursday when the world ended. ! awoke, checked my e-mail, and went to class. Then reality itself seemed to shift to the lower left and then shattered like a mirror hitting a lime.
Behind the mirror: quick-sliver lava-lamp. It was everything and nothing. However through the shifting ises I was able to feel? hear? an area of stability. I climbed, swam, to the safe harbor, and passed out.
When I awoke I was no longer what I was, and in a world not my own. I knew things I should not know. I was in an apartment in Yesod. My ID said I was now a document parser, level 1, Zaibatzu inc.
I survived the end of the, sorry a, world. Perhaps there is a chance that others did as well. Maybe somewhere are the people love.
But still there are doubts and, the dreams. In them the world ends again, but this time I am not able to ride the storm to an island. I am driven further and further from land until my self is torn apart on the winds between worlds.