
Running back to him

As I sit and watch what I think is the love of my life, I become protective of her. I feel as if im in the shadows and i’m not even their. We make eye contact once in a while, but its not enough.
The room feels as if the people in have froze when he enters the room. Her lips stop sucking the drink in her hand, her eyes lock on the person that has hurt her in the past.
My flame is dampered and dim. I have now become no one, no one that means a thing to her. As I light up a smoke I see them making goo goo eyes with each other.
The next morning she is very distant, plays it off as she had to much to drink. But any woman would remember something like this, making flirty gestures with some one outher than your soon to be husband.
Is the end near of something that hasn’t even had a begining. Has the hard work thats been put in to a relationship all for nothing? The anwser is yes, dating me was giving her time to plan her return to him.

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