goodbye with words
She felt clouded, shrouded. TrappedEnclosedOut of her bodyNot in controlSuppressedAnxious. WaterNowAspirinWaitBetterSurrealWrite. LiveJournal, sign in to diary account on the computer, juvenile: yes, outdated: yes, but cheap therapy nonetheless.
I wish I could translate what comes to mind when I think of you, but no diction or juxtaposition could describe the beauty. I wish I could describe yourheartbeatbreathingsmilelaughter, where the scenery embodies crystal painted ceilings, walls glossed in scrawls of our poetry+music. Beauty. I wish I could write you out, so that all I can reminisce upon will stay in this entry, so that everything you once were, I can read over and over. Me breathing you in as moonlight danced upon our skins. We only said goodbye with words, but that moment caused my heart to break and burst at once, because we will never be in that moment again, you will forget that moment and us. Because everything erodes, give it enough time, is our time lost?