Over The Summer
My friends and i were exporing over the summer . We found a hidout we want to know more about it butare panters sad no. Why you may ask ? We always head roomurs about that there was soming in there . About 2 monts agothere was a litte girl that was gone she was 4 yeas old .One day we where back there and then we hrid a little girl and it sound like that little girl how was tooking away . Her name was emma . We where ranning back and my friend skylar was gone we did not know where she was ? we where scard . we where ranning and running . And then my friend ann feel and then we thout that she was behind us but she feel we did not know where she was ? We where calling her name we did not hear her. And we where fold altheway home . We did not know we where fold . We got home and we told are panters what happen then they called the cops . I went outside and i got cout he told me if i talk i wond never see my family agen . He sad she woud be back . WAS HE AFTER MY FRIENDS AND I ?