
The Pros and Cons of Online Purchasing

“Only eighty-five dollars for a Black Lotus, and it’s a buy it now price? I’ve gotta have this!”

Dave looked around at the sound of his own voice intruding on his apartments normal silence.

One click! and a paypal transaction later Dave was the happy owner of one of the rarest and most sought after Magic: The Gathering cards in the world.


Max very carefully placed the card in it’s plastic wrapper, making sure not to dent the edges or bend the card. Reaching down he grabbed the package of silicate gems and put them in the shipping box.

“Great” he thought. “This thing will arrive in perfect condition.”

“And when it does,” he continued in a mental tone he considered fittingly ominous “the buyer will never suspect that my little chemistry product has made the card astonishingly lethal to touch.”

Max reached down and carefully patted his stack of infected silicate gel packages.

“I’m on my way,” he thought, “all evil masterminds have to start somewhere.”

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