
Be fruitful and multiply - part 2

Mose set off to elevate the bipeds.

It was at that time that John realized that his time machine had further malfunctioned. Instead of examining future events as was his job, (in part to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes) he was hurled a few centuries into the past.

He followed the Mose character to see what would happen next.

Mose transported to one of the sites that would be used to collect the harvest. The properly aligned pyramids would allow for the optimal collection. More beasts, more spirits. This was the essence of life.

He set out to meet the newly elevated creatures. “Behold” he spoke to them.They understood. “I am Moses. I will lead you away from slavery. Follow me or continue suffering.” They left at once neither knowing that they had been suffering, nor knowing that they had been enslaved. They gathered all they could carry, and set out to follow Mose toward the mountains.

The council saw, and wondered what Mose was up to. 400,000 for the taking, disappearing into the wilderness.

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