
Walking A Million Miles To Nowhere But Freedom

The sun was setting, and the waft of the salty water took over her senses. She closed her eyes and mindlessly walked through the sand digging her toes in with every step. From now on she was on her own, there would be no where to sleep tonight, no bed to wake up in tomorow. She was tired of life in the orphange, today was her birthday, she was 15 today. The choice was to become a nun or leave the orphange. It was an easy choice, she hated being looked at as petty. She breathed in the salt as well as the freedom and twirled in circles letting the crisp ocean water wash over her feet. She was walking into the middle of nowhere. She would walk a million miles just to be free. In her mind she wasnt walking into oblivion she was walking into freedom, into the life on her own. Scared? No. Free? Yes. all her life it was her dream to escape that place. Her dream over took her fear. She was free, she was 15, and she was walking a million miles to nowhere, but freedom.

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