
The Substitute and Stacye the Library Ghost (LoneWriter's Crossover Challenge)

Stacye was focusing on what prank she would pull next when she felt the disturbance in the air. Many someones were unhappy, and one was extremely angry.

She floated up and over the school; trying to pinpoint ground zero for the source. “There it is,” Stacye muttered to herself and plummeted head first toward room M-23.

She found a group of scared and unhappy students staring blankly at a heavy breathing substitute. The sub was screaming at the children about administrative offices and from the wild eyed looks, this time, they were completely innocent.

This did not settle well with Stacye. She hated anyone, other than herself, tormenting the students.

Stacye blew at a stack of papers and they went sailing to the floor. As the sub bent over to retrieve them, she blew a raspberry on her arm. The children did not laugh. Not even a smile. The sub stood red faced and turned away from the class.

Stacye grabbed a dry erase marker and went to work fast. “Make over time!” Stacye squealed.

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