
Automaton and on and on......

As Dave walked across the seemingly endless field of white his mind started to slip into the introspective auto pilot that he used at the office. Letting muscle memory move him, his mind started to drift towards the metaphoric.

He thought of his body as an automaton. A clockwork vessel full of smaller versions of himself, all busy with the inner workings of his day to day life.

There were locomotive specialists in charge of the joints and muscles. The respiratory and cardiac wings took care of the various humors and supplying life support. At the uppermost level was, of course, the brain.

Everything emptied into the brain to be generally mucked about but not really get anywhere. Its here that Dave would retreat to mull over whatever was bothering him. The mind was his office, the office is where he felt safe.

Dave walked up to Dave as he stared out of the upper story eye window near the water cooler.

“Funny thing, the afterlife,” said Dave


Even in his imagination Dave was dull.

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