
Oh, To Die One Night

A cool night and a daunting wind asailed Rezick’s senses as he stood on the rail of the elevated walkway. The night lurched and swam with the chaos of the busy railway station below. Rezick only smiled and spread his arms wide counting one, two, three.

With the grace of a toppled telephone pole, Rezick came off the handrail and plummeted the twenty feet towards the gravel. Much to Engineer Robison’s surprise, Rezick’s falling body collided with a fast moving freight train. Blood exploded from the fragile body as it impacted and was then flung into the wind. The limp form somersaulted and folded in the air before crashing down and skidding to a crumpled stop in the shadows.

Coasting down from a convenient perch, Harris could only shake his head at the spectacle, the waste. He landed softly, his footfalls next to nothing. Slow graceful steps brought him to stand over the bleeding, horrid mess of a man.

“Ah Rezick,” he said looking down, “You are one sick vamp.”

Rezick chortled and sputtered, “Yep.”

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