
In Where Oceans Never Were

There was something to dining in a restaurant that sold only seafood, with no acknowledgement that the sea even existed. It was a funny thing, really; the way that every sea-dwelling animal imaginable appeared on the menu, yet the restaurant’s management insisted that the ocean was little more than a myth.

When guests inquired about when their fish was caught or from what part of the world, managers and servers denied all knowledge of “oceans” and the “catching of fish.” There were merely blank stares and assurances made that the food on the plates had simply ‘come to them.’

This, of course, never sat well with the guests.

Investigative groups were sought out and pointed in the direction of the odd restaurant. Although the investigators and the health department alike searched the restaurant thoroughly, nothing resembling shipping boxes were ever found.

Still, there were numerous stores of fish, lobsters, shrimp, squid, octopi, crabs, mollusks, and numerous other meats no one could identify…

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