Blue tree
We were walking outside in this fall weather & it was already frost on the grass.Me &my 1st love were walking the streets of my neighborhood, just reminising of all our good times, & memories. He looked all cute with his red hoodie, small squared glass & his new mature attitude.
“What are you looking at now?” he said.
“How much you’ve changed.” I said.
“I havent changed that much.”
“Yes, you have.”
“My hair has a tent of red in it, I got new glasses and I’m not as promisicous as I was after we met.”
“And I like that.”
“Look baby!”He said as he pointed to a blue lighted tree.
“Oh, its so beautiful.” I said.
“Lets take a picture to remember this.”
He grabbed his camera, put it on a huge rock & set it 2 flash in 10 seconds.
“Okay girl, smile.”
Well instead of us smiling, I just kissed him & the picture clicked.
“I’m sorry.” I quickly said.
He just stood there. “No, that was great.”
He then went to grab his camera when he slipped on the frost. I tried to help him up when I fell along with him.