
But Wait, There's More

“This is your task to undertake,” said Gerkyn the Wizard, “And yours alone. I bid you good luck.”

“Hang on,” said Dwylun. “I haven’t even said if I’m going yet.”

“But you must!”

“No. I’ve got things to do. Bugger off.”

Dwylun slammed the door in Gerkyn’s face. The Wizard couldn’t help but be annoyed. That was the 29th person today to turn down the Sacred Quest. Was there something he wasn’t doing? Something wrong with his pitch? Here he was, offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel across the Plains of Geruth, navigate the Woods of Labyr, and destroy the Cursed Daggers in the Fiery Pits of Mornda. You’d have thought there would be more takers.

Wearily, he moved on to the next house, and knocked on the heavy round wooden door. An elderly Wood Elf opened the door.

“Can I help you?”

“Hello there! My name is Gerkyn, and I’d like to take a moment to talk to you about this set of Cursed D—”

“Sod off!”

SLAM . He hadn’t even had a chance to unravel the demo set. It was going to be a very long day.

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