So much for being friends 2
“you are so cute,did you know that?”Julie says as she feeds joe ice cream.
“Uh too!”He says
“What’s wrong?”Julie says backing away into her chair.
“Nothing, it’s just that i feel kinda bad you know lying to Ashley.”
“What?! Why do you feel you like her or something.i mean if anyone, i should be the one feeling bad for her.but i don’t.i mean she had it coming.Why does she think that a hot guy would ever look at her..she may be smart but she sure isn’t pretty!”
“Um.i feel that this date is so wrong..especially with someone like you,i’m leaving!”Joe gets up,pushes in his chair and heads for the door.
“You can’t walk out on me!”She screams as she stands up.
Joe continues to walk toward the door, he exits carvel.
Ashley hides quickly as he approaches the door.
Joe gets a glimpse of ashley and pretends not to see her.”Julie is a loser!”Joe is talking to himself out loud so that ashley could hear him.He walks past where she is hiding,then turns back and says ” Hi ashley!”