
The First Day.

“I feel happy” came the thought as if from nowhere.
The blackened teeth grimaced into a crooked smile as his mouth spread across his face.
He struggled to form the words to express his elation at this unfamiliar feeling. A new sensation overcame him, a vivid torrent, a sensory explosion…. a smell.
Having no previous experience to compare with this new phenomenon, his small intellect strains at the task of processing this fresh awareness.

In the darkness of his mind, the confusing cacophony of alien aromas played like a fragrant melody, confusing him, until he thought he would burst with emotion.

At that moment a blistering, blinding white light pentrated the blackness of his consciousness but the searing pain did nothing to diminish his smile.
Out of the swirling whiteness, blobs of colour began to coagulate like paint forming into a beautiful picture.

His unaccustomed eyes squinted at the shape in front of him. A small child was smiling at him, wrapping a scarf around his neck. It was snowing.

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