
Used to Know

Anna whispered something in the counselor’s ear; he nodded. She pulled Lily out of her seat, and said, “Come on, Lil, we need to talk.”

In the next office, they sat alone. “Why, Anna?” Lily could feel the tears welling up, but willed them to stop.

“Because…” she said, slowly. “Because I care. Because I hate to see you hurting like this, I absolutely hate it. I want you to be the Lily I used to know! What happened to her?”

“I don’t know,” Lily whispered.

“Whatever happens, Lily, I’m here for you. But you have to be ready to ask for help!”

“I’m just so confused! I don’t even know anymore, Anna. I just don’t know!”

And Anna did the best thing she could have done; she put her arms around the crying girl and let her tears flow. “It’s gonna be okay,” she said. “But you have to help!”

Lily drew back. “I’m scared!”

“I know. I’m scared, too. But can you do this? You need to tell them what happened. I’ll sit right next to you, hold your hand even.”



“Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Thanks, Lily.”

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