
Monday in the Life, II

I find my notebooks, pens, gloves, hat, jacket while I brush my teeth. Brush my wet hair while I microwave an egg roll. Find all my meds, deodorant….... ahah! Under the lotion in the back of the closet. Mirror, good enough. Shoes, jacket, gloves, hat, bag, wallet…check, cell phone….check, egg roll in hand. I speedwalk and eat on the way to class. Exactly four minutes, almost on time.

Microbiology, take notes in the front of the big purple notebook. Chemistry, take notes in the back of the big notebook. Entomology, take notes in the green binder. Guest lecturer is terrible. Crap! Didn’t finish my homework!

Orange/mango energy drink and a slice of cake for lunch. Making a list of things to do, it’s long. Two page paper, 10 page paper, eat, breathe, other stuff. Think about Christmas gifts.

I devote the next three hours of my life to a paper that ends up being only two pages long. With graphs inserted. There was a lot of spreadsheet work involved. I can now turn my homework in.

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