What I saw: A monster pleading with a human attacker not to kill him because he’s actually a friend/relative/boyfriend of hers. I made it a Tyranid because that’s relevant to my own boyfriend, even though the picture really doesn’t look like my understanding of a Tyranid.
I’ve never even heard of a Tyranid, but I thought it was a nice take on the picture. The end was a bit abrupt for me, but that’s character limits for you.
Also, just so everyone knows, a “Gaunt” is an abbreviation of “Hormagaunt”, it’s a sub-specie of Tyranid. Which, now that I actually see one, looks exactly like I imagined it did, the exception is the length of the claws, and that the picture appears to have no feet. http://kofler.dot.at/40k/tyranid.html < Use Ctrl+F to find “Hormagaunt”
Fyora Cartagan
THX 0477
Fyora Cartagan