
Loved that Losing Feeling

The game was getting tense, we were both down to the black ball, you’d been losing until now, but the black was giving me trouble. I lined up the perfect shot, the shot that was sure to hit the black just right and send it slowly but surely into the middle left pocket. Then I moved the cue imperceptibly to the left and took the shot.

The black hit the edge of the pocket, and as it as going slowly, didn’t bounce out very far, I sagged in disappointment and we made eye contact. “If you were any good at this game I’d probably be worried about losing right now.” I challenged confidently.

“Oh, yeah. Watch this then.” You moved around the table to a better position and potted the ball almost perfectly. “Drinks are on you then, loser” you teased, as I turned to get the drinks.

As I walked to the bar I looked back to see you smiling over the victory, I hoped it’d keep you smiling for the rest of the night. If you knew how much I liked that smile then you’d know that I hadn’t lost at all. Not by a long shot.

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