
A Number Can Say a Number of Words

A number can say more words than allowed in a 1024 character story. Then again, maybe not, since I can fit 5 different numbers in here.

Anyway, I feel like taking this time to summarize what I think each rating of one through five means.

One means I’m thinking “I could definitely do this better, and, in fact, I probably will try…Eventually.”
Two means I don’t think I can work with that material, but if I could, I’d do it better.
Three means I think I might could do better, but I respect you enough for trying to not try it, myself.
Four means I doubt I could do much better, except you have a few flaws I would’ve corrected, or changes I would’ve made.
Five, I know for a fact that I couldn’t do better, in fact, I most likely think I’d mess it up if I tried.

I’m very interested in knowing what you all think of the ratings, and what subliminal meanings you assigned to them. And those of you who have gotten rates from me, this may help you interpret them.

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