You’ve captured both the voice and the personality of Simon, no small feat in 1,024 characters! I think this is your first addition to the series. Welcome to the team! :-)
Simon must have forgotten that before the Fall, dinosaurs were vegetarians!
Sorry, couldn’t resist. I tried to give you five stars, but whenever I did, I got taken to the ficlets version of a 404 screen—”Ouch that hurt! Try the main page! Wah-wah-wahhhn!”
Absolutely wonderful! This should be an intro to a cool new video game where I can create my own world, populated by demons, velociraptors, and other mean and nasties that could eat the general population. What fun!
Remember when you entered my Halloween Challenge? The Vodcast is still posted at – watch the 1st round videos at the bottom of the page – it’s at the end. When I read your entry, I remembered feeling (as I read it) that I had been transported about 83 million years back. Great talent here. You are unique – as yuu’ve said in your profile… I’m almost on 200 ficlets. Hope you enter my 200 ficlet challenge!
♠Ana Cristina♥
Batak Beatrix
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow
Nouvelle Bardot
Sir Kills-A-Lot
The Lady
Fyora Cartagan
Alexa ♥