
The Plan (To be read after "Was It a Dream?")

It was done. After laying her to bed, Sahr’klal hid his Tyranid body inside one of their closets and took up the body of her boyfriend. The two bodies shared one mind, but his purposes were only served by being in one at a time.

He supposed he was lucky to have found this couple. The woman was already incredibly devoted to her husband. So, it hadn’t taken much psychic power to convince her that it was okay to hug and kiss a monstrous beast.

Good thing she believed in the phantasmal and abnormal, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked nearly as well. Sahr awkwardly dressed himself in the human’s night clothes, for part two of his plan.

He walked to their bedroom, and watched her sleeping form. He had to admit, though, the human’s love and care for her was affecting him, though not enough to make him stop the invasion, of course.

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