In the dead of night...
We waited about another few hours. I looked at my watch.
9:00, It’s time
I hopped down from my bed, and shook Calvin awake.
Without a word we crept out of our cabin, in bear feet, out into the freezing cold.
We ran with surprising speed, leaving tiny tracks behind us since we were only using a small apart of our feet to sprint through the newly fallen snow.
We reached the cabin, slipped through the door, and made for the first room.
I turned to Calvin, he had to go to the second room.
I gave him the thumbs up, and I went into the room, and tapped Alex’s shoulder.
“Hmmh?” Alex started.
“Shhh!” I hushed. “It’s me, John.”
“What are you doing here? You have any idea what kind of trouble you could get yourself in?”
“Yeah, I love a risk, even for you.”
“You’re sweet.”
I leaned forward and kissed her.
“I gotta go.”
I started to walk away, but out of nowhere….