
Monster (Vampire Challenge)

Somehow, it always came to this; the light before the darkness. This time, I was at the mercy of a vampire. At the mercy of the one I loved.

No, he didn’t morph into a bat, and no, he most certainly didn’t live in a mausoleum. But he did sleep in a coffin.

He was tall and thin; his purple lips looked eerie against his pale skin. Something about him claimed attention, the thing he hated most.

That night, I sat waiting for my consequence.
“Why did you follow me?” His eyes lit up. My mouth wouldn’t let me talk.
“I- I didn’t mean to, honest! But, I can’t stay away.” His eyes narrowed as I continued. “I love you.”
“No one,” he replied. “No one can love a monster.”
“But you aren’t a monster. Can’t you see that?”
“There is no place for…monsters, not ones like me.” HIs pride wouldn’t let hime cry.
“No, you are a…”
“A monster. That’s all I am. A heartless monster. Leave me in peace.” Silently, I did as his asked.

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