
Nimix Springer

Inquisitor Nimix took on the tone of an instigating couple counselor. “You dreamt he was a Tyranid?”

“Yes, I dreamt it. I don’t believe it actually happened, but with someone like you here, who knows anymore.”

“And you say this was last night?” asked the Inquisitor.

Yes, last night, then I got up this morning and we were fine.”

“Miss, I do believe that it was not a dream.” replied Inquisitor Nimix right before Sahr’klal’s claws nearly decapitated him from behind.

Instead, Nimix grabbed the offending claw and slammed the body it was attached to to the ground. “Get me something to restrain this scum with!” yelled Nimix as he struggled to hold Sahr’klal to the ground.

Barb hadn’t previously noticed, but her boyfriend had laid down on the ground beside the bed.

After his subordinates relieved him, Nimix stood and walked over to Barb, who was still hiding her bare body behind a blanket. “Miss, I’m going to have to take you and your…partner with me as well. Please hold out your hands.”

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