
Jocks Have A Heart Too

For a moment or two, Mitch simply stood there and watched his friends exit onto the field. Once the final foot was laid on the field and the door clicked shut, he turned to Jordan, still holding the notebook.

“This is really good,” he whispered as if people were listening, “you should enter it into the art show.”

Tyra and Jordan stood gazing at him as if he just told them that he was secretly the Tooth Fairy.

Mitch lightly handed Jordan back his notebook, flashed them a picture-perfect smile, turned on his heel and left.

“He didn’t.”

“He did, Tyra. He did.”

“What happened to him? Are we on Punk’d? Maybe we’ll get to meet Aston!”

“No, Tyra. I think.. I actually think Mitch has a heart.”

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