
Trapped in "Hold the Line" Hell {uselessness's Desperate Monologue Challenge}

This music is driving me crazy! It makes me think of elevator tunes.

Great! Just what I didn’t want to hear! The most annoying song in world. Now it will be on my mind forever. Who the heck sits down to write the lyrics, “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.” On top of that, Sting must have been on some heavy drugs when he chose to sing that.

I need to file my nails. They are starting to look ragged. How in the world did that happen.

Oh Lord, I thought I had pressed that button already! I’ll press it again! There happy, you stupid phone.

You’ve got be kidding me! Hate being on hold, hate being on hold, hate being on hold.

What time is it anyway? Ten minutes?! I will need therapy after this. I can’t believe I have held on for this long. Must’ve lost track of time.

I should hang up and try again. Then it would be another ten minutes. Anyday now.

Where’s my rag. I need to wipe this counter off.

Another annoying song! That’s it! I’ll just call back later.

Customer service, my eye!

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