
Death Sentence

“Let me get this straight,” he said. “This is a joke. You’ve maneuvered me here for a reason. What the fuck is wrong with you people?” He sat up and rigidly stared at the group sitting around him. “What gives you the right to tell me anything. I’ve lived my life without help from any of you. I can take care of myself. You had no right to lure me here with lies. I was expecting a birthday party, not an interrogation.”

For a moment there was silence. He scratched his right arm, just below the elbow, then continued. “Someone say something. You’re all staring at me like I was a leper or something? Have I done something wrong? You say you’re on my side. You say you love me. What’s that mean? If you love someone, you don’t trick them into coming to a party and then turn on them. What exactly are you accusing me of, anyway? Sure, I’ve been arrested a couple of times, but none of it was my fault. I drink a little too much. But God, who doesn’t? I can’t believe you dragged me here because of a few beers.”

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