The Wise Elders and the Future Girl
in 1930 the Earth’s Wise Mysterious Leaders met.
The Time Machine Builder nodded to his peers. “We still cannot physically travel in time, alas, but a week ago, we made contact with a member of our society’s future. We can see the progress our careful intervention of world events has made!
“The connection is intermittent, so with your permission, I will start the communication.”
They viewed the Great Screen. Pink and grey fog, which materialized into what looked like …
A filthy alley.
They beheld a young woman. They could not determine her age, so much had been dabbed on her face. But she looked young. They all noticed that she was wearing very little clothing.
She looked ill.
She shouted:
“Hello! Hello! Okay. Look, I don’t know who the fuck you are, alright? My dad told me to do this before he ran off, like six years ago, alright?. He told me to come here.”
She sniffled. “Here I am.”
The Elders leaned back in their chairs.
“So what are you gonna do for me? He promised!”