
the princess and the girl

in the tower
the girl sits
pondering her thoughts
wondering why
in her fairytale
a prince hasn’t come yet
and saved her from her:
messed up family consisting of:
a socially inept brother
a wickedly wicked mother
a father; if you can call him that.
and thinking of why her prince hasn’t come may be because:
she was grounded from social events i.e the ball
she doesn’t even know anyone that can be considered a prince.
in her room
the girl sits
pondering her thoughts
wondering why
in her life
the boy hasn’t come yet
and saved her from:
messed up family consisting of:
a socially inept brother
a wickedly wicked mother
a father; if you can call him that.
and thinking why the boy hasn’t come yet
possible reasons:
she was grounded from all social events i.e the movies
she doesn’t even think her boy knows she exists.

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