Whales Tales
Ok people i got one word for ya- WHALES ! Yes they are important I am one I should know. I am currently under that yatch of yours watching you shoot champange corks in my water!Not cool.You may not think I am as interesting or important as your deckboy is.( I know you like him its a whale thing.)But trust me I know you all have heard the “global warming dont litter or you will kill all things wild” sales pitch. Trust me I understand it gets old no obvious effects right? Well I can give another reason why you should treat whales with respest! Imagine this you want to go snorkeling in that beautiful reef off the beach so you decide to do it. You jump off the boat and it feels like you are swimming in rice!Eww. That so called rice is my dinner lunch breakfast and snack if youre into that. I am talking about the plankton its all around you in youre hair in you ears in you snorkel (ha ha now its your snack of the day). I eat it. So keep this and many other lovely whales alive. You will appriciate it! Gracias!