
The Night Before I left For College

Tonight I was laying on my bed, I’ve have finished packing for college & now just listening to Janet’s soft voice when my mom comes into to my room & tells me not to forget my hats & my cd’s, as she talks she starts to tear up because her son of 18 is finally leaving the nest. She feels proud that she has raised a man, that loves the Lord with all his heart even thought he strays away sometimes, she is proud that he will stay focus and earn that degree of education. She is proud that he will stay in the fellowship of God. She is proud that she knows I’ll will accomplish what is set for him. She is proud that she raise a man of God. And she is proud that he knows who he is.
I thank my parents with all my heart especially my mom, even though we butt heads sometimes, I absolutely love her but its time for me to stand on my own, with my family behind and God in my heart, I will have my own classroom! I want to be a teacher! and in Jesus’ name, I will be a teacher

This was before i left 4 college, 2yrs ago.

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