

I was four years old when my dad left me. I had lived a very happy life until that day. My mom stayed at home and took care of me and my dad worked a 9 to 5 and wore a coat and tie everyday.

We lived in a three bedroom house. I had a bedroom and a seperate playroom. I had friends who lived in every direction from my house. I had a tricycle. I had a kitten.

Well, when he left, he actually drove me and my mom to my grandma’s and left us there. I remember sitting in the backseat on my knees. I was looking out the back window and crying.

My mom asked “Are you crying”

I didn’t answer her.

When he left, the message he gave me was that I was garbage. He didn’t want me any more and I was worthless.

I still look to men to feel valuable. When I am in the throws of passion with a man, that is where I find my fulfillment. I have had over 300 sex partners in my lifetime and there will be more.

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