
You Fell

You hear a thud as you hit the ground. The pain hits a split-second later.

It’s your knee and your thigh. Your left arm, pinned between the cool ground and your body. You roll over, inspecting everywhere it hurts. No blood.

That’s good, but you know it’s going to leave a mark anyway.

You think about standing back up. You know if you try to stand, you’ll just end up right back on the ground. The next landing might not be as graceful.

Or as lucky.

Sighing, you just try anyway.

On the first attempt, your legs just fail you. Fortunately, a six inch fall doesn’t knock the wind out of you the way that first spill did, and you’re ready for a second attempt almost instantly. You just need a moment to breathe.

The second time, you slowly raise yourself up, up, up, until you triumphantly stand on your own two feet and gingerly continue your shuffle across the pavement.

“Goddamn ice.”

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